Step 1: Login to our website. If you do not have an account, you can even sign up later on checkout page.
Step 2: Select the product you would like to purchase

Step 3: If the Services/Products have variants, Select the variants that you would want for your cat.

Step 4: Add selection to cart or continue to browse other products or click "Buy It Now"
Step 5: Click shopping cart icon on the upper right corner, this will link you to the cart page showing your list of selected product(s). Click "Check Out" to complete purchase

Step 6: Fill up the contact information form (if you have signed in, you do not need to fill up the information again)

Step 7: Insert your payment details, insert promo code (if any) and click "Complete Order"
Step 8: Aaand you're done! ! Please check your email for confirmation of purchase